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    National Brucellosis

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    CDVac Brucellosis
    Strain 19 Vaccine

    Bovine infectious abortion case preventive treatment produced by Brucella abortus.

    Composition: Each dose contains between 15-30 x 10⁹ viable cells of Brucella abortus strain 19 attenuated on smooth phase.

    Dosage and route of administration: 2 ml, subcutaneously
    behind the shoulder blades or in neck muscles.

    Presentation: Bottle containing 20ml (10 doses for cattle) and 50ml (25 doses for cattle).


    Apto para

    • Maintain the cold chain until the moment of administration between 4 and 8°C. Do not freeze.
    • During vaccination, reconstitute the vaccine as it is used, store the vaccines in the shade, in their thermal box with refrigerants.
    • The reconstituted vaccine, which was not used, must be discarded. It is recommended to use a new needle for reconstitution of the vaccine.
    • The animals must be in good health and nutrition.
    • Avoid stress to the animals, letting them rest for at least 2 hours. before vaccination.
    • Shake the container to dissolve the lyophilized tablet, once the diluent has been added.
    • To ensure dosage accuracy, use 2 ml syringes.
    • Caution is recommended at the time of vaccination to avoid vaccinating animals outside the recommended age range or males, as well as to avoid accidental inoculation of the operator.
    • Change the needle every 10/25 animals, depending on the presentation used..
    • Maintain the cold chain until the moment of administration between 4 and 8°C. Do not freeze.
    • During vaccination, reconstitute the vaccine as it is used, store the vaccines in the shade, in their thermal box with refrigerants.
    • The reconstituted vaccine, which was not used, must be discarded. It is recommended to use a new needle for reconstitution of the vaccine.
    • The animals must be in good health and nutrition.
    • Avoid stress to the animals, letting them rest for at least 2 hours. before vaccination.
    • Shake the container to dissolve the lyophilized tablet, once the diluent has been added.
    • To ensure dosage accuracy, use 2 ml syringes.
    • Caution is recommended at the time of vaccination to avoid vaccinating animals outside the recommended age range or males, as well as to avoid accidental inoculation of the operator.
    • • Change the needle every 10/25 animals, depending on the presentation used.

    SAS – Sistema de Aplicación Segura

    SAS is a system created by CDV for multiple application cases. It works when the veterinarian inoculates animals with different products at the same time. The sticker found on the back of each of our containers, attached to the syringe, serves as an identifier and avoids confusion when vaccinating.


      La vacunación antibrucélica es obligatoria al cien por cien (100%) de las terneras de tres (3) a ocho (8) meses de edad con vacuna Brucella abortus Cepa 19.

      Se realiza en simultáneo con las campañas de vacunación antiaftosa y bajo una estrategia regional.

      Se exceptúa de la medida a la «Zona libre de brucelosis y tuberculosis bovina», comprendida por la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur.



    6 razones para vacunar a los bovinos contra la brucelosis

    Es una enfermedad contagiosa, zoonótica, que genera pérdidas económicas en los campos y limita el comercio internacional de carnes. Claves para cumplir con la campaña obligatoria del Senasa.

    leer más

    Agenda: ¿cuáles son las vacunas de esta época?

    La etapa del preservicio es fundamental para determinar resultados de los campos ganaderos y es cuando se deben tomar las decisiones adecuadas para asegurar una productividad que pueda recuperar con creces las inversiones realizadas.

    leer más

    ¿Cuál es el mejor combo para lograr altos porcentajes de preñez?

    El servicio en los establecimientos ganaderos determina el futuro productivo y adelantarse a las problemáticas que puedan surgir da una ventaja sobre el resto. Vacunar es necesario y estratégico, pero sólo no alcanza. Conocé las claves.

    leer más


        0800-444- CDVSA (23872)

        +54 911 3312 2238

      Calle 9 N° 523, Fátima Pilar, CP (1629), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
