Our Production Plants

GMP certification

Good Manufacturing Practices for Veterinary Products

Issued by SENASA in 2015 and recertified in 2017, 2019 and 2023, this certification confirms that our products are manufactured and systematically controlled according to the quality standards for which they were designed.

Product manufacturing follows defined and documented processes, including all stages from raw materials and input procurement to finished goods distribution, ensuring traceability and expected quality.

The vaccines produced at CDV comply with the highest quality standards worldwide. Implementing this production regulation implies a cultural production shift, as well as the commitment from each and every person who is part of our company.

Live and high biocontainment biologicals + Fish + Poultry + Diagnostics

  • Area: 4,200 m2 (production areas, cold storage chambers, technical areas, terrestrial animal biotherium, fish biotherium, warehouses and administrative areas)
  • Biosecurity Level 2 (Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, Anthrax, Leptospira, Rabies and viral antigens).
  • Biosecurity Level 3 (Bovine and avian PPD tuberculin, Brucella, antigens for aquaculture vaccines).
  • GMP certification.

Foot-and-mouth disease (Aftosa

Foot-and-mouth disease vaccines are produced exclusively with state-of-the-art equipment and a high degree of system automation to ensure compliance with the most demanding quality and biosecurity standards worldwide.

  • Investment: More than US$40MM
  • Area: 4,700 m2 with three independent areas
  • Productive capacity: More than 60 million doses of anti-foot and mouth disease vaccines
  • OIE Biosecurity Level 4 and Hygiene, Safety and Environmental Management Standards
  • GMP certification

Inactivated viruses and bacteria

The production capacity of Plant 1 will be expanded thus enabling production for the prevention of new species diseases: vaccines for pets and pigs.

  • Investment: US$80MM
  • Area: 14,650 m2
  • Design: “Green industry” with high environmental impact management
  • Biosecurity Level 2

International Trade

Our capacity to produce biological products is tailored to each country’s full requirements and needs.

We offer a dedicated team to support documentation and ensure a smooth export process, always promoting the possibility of formulas and packaging development, according to each market’s needs.